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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Revenge of the electors

The announcement that Ida Chong MLA will be the first MLA to be voted out of office using recall legislation is encouraging. Besides taking thousands a year in lunch money, Chong has spent the last decade running errands for Campbell, the corporations' errand-boy. She has commanded several Ministries, acting on orders from Campbell all the way. She even acted as Minister for Community Affairs in a province where few "communities" exist, and in which communities the elected officials are obliged to parrot the provincial government's policies.

Ida Chong was a key conspirator in introducing the HST directly after the 2009 election in which an HST was never mentioned. She stole her legislative seat on false grounds, and should lose it as soon as possible.

For those interested in the wider world, the Tonga-like constitution of Great Britain has actually introduced the Right to Recall, believe it or not, and Britain's students are going to bring recall measures first against the Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, one of the world's biggest political swindlers, who morphed from opposing student fees before the general election to participating in the Cameron government which is tripling them. Clegg should be the first British MP to lose his seat by popular revulsion.


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