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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pot minority banned again

How can a majority ever vote for a minority? How can the majority vote against what they're told on the televisions they watch for three or four hours a day? How can any minority expect fair treatment from such a brainwashed majority-voting public?

The California public voted this week against decriminalisation of pot possession. Only by 56 per cent to 44 per cent, but that's the name of the game when it comes to majorities crushing minorities, e.g. white Californians cheating First Nations out of their land, or locking up their Japanese compatriots and selling off their property in World War Two.

It's not a pretty sight, seeing Californians obeying Obama and voting against pot. By doing so, they voted in favour of gangsters staying rich, keeping $14 billion flowing underground annually, continuing the gang mayhem in Mexico, banning innocent Calfiornians from having 25 square feet of pot plants in their own gardens and in favour of thousands of harmless pot-puffers going to jail for possession. That's the kind of genius that comes out of televisions. The entire TV/Cable industry should be suppressed.

The marijuana minority had better give up on the idea of social acceptance for their drug habit. Californians would have to accept that booze is more dangerous, that tax revenues could be raised from legal sales, and that prison numbers could actually reduce instead of increase. All these are impossible while they watch poisonous television.

No, Californians will have to ask their doctor for a prescription for marijuana until the cows come home, I'm afraid.


Vista said...

Obviously the California public was not aware of the November 1, 2010 Lancet study, "Alcohol more lethal than heroin, cocaine," which showed that alcohol causes more profound social and economic devastation than heroin and cocaine. Why is it then, that "little marijauna" should be such a controversial issue?

Apart from its competition as a source of fibre (and therefore a threat to the lumbering and cotton industries), one wonders if the consciousness raising aspects of cannabis may be the real problem. "Don't think outside the box, for heaven's sake, and don't rock the boat!"

Vista said...

I see that Olbermann was only temporarily suspended, and will be back today.