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Sunday, March 4, 2007

Schematic drawing

Here's a drawing by a Finnish sceptic of how the World Trade Center towers were primed with explosives to make them collapse after airliners hit them. The drawer notes that "This drawing is schematic only. The actual towers were much taller and the observed arch of destruction of the energy-directed thermonuclear device was correspondingly more narrow." Schematics like this must have been the birth of drawing, as early people shared semiotic images drawn with a stick in friable ground. The drawer's text continues:

The Ground Zero here is in the original sense of word, a nuclear blast site. Thermal energy may absorb heat at a rate of 10 E 23 ergs / cm2 sec and near the bomb all surfaces may heat to 4000 °C or 7200 °F igniting or vapourizing violently. Source: US Department of Defense & US Department of Energy, Glasstone – Dolan: 'The Effects of Nuclear Weapons' (1980).
The thermonuclear bomb used was a 'pure' hydrogen bomb, so no uranium or plutonium at all. The basic nuclear reaction is Deuterium + Tritium > Alpha + n. The ignition of this is the fine part, either with a powerful beam array or antimatter (a very certain way to get the necessary effect of directed energy in order not to level the adjacent blocks of high-rise buildings, as well).

What? Nuclear bombs at the Twin Towers in 2001?
It's plausible, know why? Because liquidized metal was found under the ruins many days later, and those hijackers (if they existed) could not have known that the towers would collapse as a result of their kamikaze attacks. All the airliner impacts promised to do was make holes and cause dramatic fires, as indeed happened. But after half an hour the fires were actually burning out, something the blackness of the smoke proved. Living people were photographed right at the point of impact, proving that the fires had effectively burned out. A team of firemen high in the south tower radioed HQ expressing confidence that they could deal with the limited blaze confronting them.
The south tower fell first, although it was hit second, precisely because the fires were burning down and the firefighters reported they could deal with them. The brazen Imperial criminals at the controls, probably from the vantage point of the NY emergency bunker in Building Seven, chose that moment to detonate. Later, they ensured that WTC7, too, bit the dust, although it appeared to be undamaged except for a few minor fires that were unattended by the depleted NY fire department. Three steel-framed towers collapsed, ostensibly as a result of fires, on 9-11 although they had never done so in history, and have never done so since.

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