The use of the yellow loyalty wrap at Carole James's acclamation in Victoria yesterday was pathetic. After the triumph, one union boss said (according to the T-Col): it's Carole or the ocean. So those who disagree with loser Carole's diktats should simply walk out and join another party. Well, there aren't any other parties, because of our unendorsed FPTP electoral system. Even the Green Party can't get a single seat.
We're stuck with a two-party system, both currently led by paranoid fuhrer types who will only tolerate flat-on-your-face kowtowing from their fellow MLAs and party organisers. I have no idea who represented the Cowichan constituency on my behalf in Victoria: nobody chose to tell me. It's a farce.
Our new MLA in our new riding, Mr Bill Routley, has sworn his undying loyalty to his new leader. She seated him in the first place, and now he is paying her back. His enormous salary, the biggest he has ever incurred in his life, his staffers, large constituency office, and the luxurious pension he is in line for all no doubt played their part too. If he can get a Cabinet post, he will be in clover. Where am I, an elector, in all this? Except for living in a so-called safe seat.
Yet again, at the next general election (its date stupidly fixed US-style), the electorate will be presented with Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
It's not surprising that the NDP barely exists any more except for its Union base.